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What to Know Before Selecting and Buying Men's Leather Jackets

  Even though there are a lot of jackets available in the market, every jacket may not suit you. Just like shirts and trousers have to be selected to see if they fit and look good or not, jackets also need to be selected. The choice of a jacket depends majorly on your body build. Weight, body type and height are the most important factors to be considered when buying men's leather jackets. The most important feature is height. Tall men look good in long dark-colored gear. Some leather coats go all the way down to the knees, perfect for guys standing more than six feet high. If you have long legs, you can wear long leather trench coats with long scarves. If you have a short body build, jackets with 3/4 quarter sleeves and dark colors may be ideal. Your weight tells a lot about your body and the type of clothes it needs. If you are skinny, then it is best to wear double-breasted jackets for a tight look. If you have a muscular or an overall broad build, you will look your very best i

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